Well the past few weeks I haven't been in the blogging mood as I'm sure the 2-3 followers we have noticed... but this post is inspired by my friend Amanda's blog, This Is The Day. I, as well as Amanda and many of our friends, will be graduating next month. CRAZY. So I think it's time to pay tribute to the many things I personally will fondly remember and miss about being a college student in Stilly...
1. Affliction. Yep. He's my #1.
2. Pretty days on Library Lawn.
3. 20 Something runs for no reason at all.
4. D7
5. Never worrying about how to get home because when all else fails, walk. And maybe even stop to swing on the way.
6. Living in a town where the crazy locals are known by name and picking up a stranger on the street is just plain courtesy.
7. Electric beatdown
8. having amazing professors who taught me so much more than what was in our overpriced textbook. and then running into them at Stonewall.
9. Thursdays at Joes.
10. the Cricket before, after and sometimes during home football games
11. Crepe Myrtle.
12. Hogging the jukebox and shamelessly admitting whatever song we paid a dollar for.
13. the constant fear of the bike lane
14. the amazing, crazy, hilarious, different friends I've made
15. Aspen coffee
16. great, local music that never leaves Stillwater out of their show schedule
17. Red Rock
18. Driving past horses, cattle and beautiful scenery during my 4 minute drive to church
19. the stress and joy of being a writer for the O'Colly
20. putting my arms around my friends for the Alma Mater/ Fight Song... whether at games or Murphys
21. reacting to seeing our own collegiate athletes like a celebrity sighting. Zac at Joes, Obi at the movies or Moses at 20 something- ya I got excited.
22. Reaching Exit 174 and thinking I'm home.
23. Bullet
24. Boomer
25. the overwhelming display of orange at football/basketball/etc games
26. Turning my OU graduate parents into OSU fans.
I'm sure I've forgotten things here and there but comment and let me know some of your favorite memories of being at OSU!